Road map

Equestrian Centre De Warre

Ketelstraat 77

3680 Neeroeteren


GPS N51 05.543 E5 40.582

Coming from Brussels, Liege or Antwerp leave the motorway E314 at junction 30.

Coming from the Netherlands leave the motorway E314 at junction 33 (Maasmechelen).


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Nearest Airports

Maastricht (Netherlands) 35 km
Eindhoven (Netherlands) 70 km
Liége (Belgium) 70 km
Dusseldorf (Germany) 95 km
Antwerp (Belgium) 105 km
Brussels (Belgium) 110 km
Keulen - Bonn (Germany) 140 km
Charleroi (Belgium) 150 km
Rotterdam (Netherlands) 180 km
Dortmund (Germany) 180 km
Amsterdam (Netherlands) 190 km
Lille (France) 240 km
Ostend (Belgium) 240 km
Luxemburg (Luxemburg) 250 km